Springfield Marble & Granite Mclean VA
Our professionals at Springfield Marble and Granite are pleased to offer both natural and engineered stone to our customers in the Chantilly, Virginia area. Beautiful kitchens and baths are two of the few things that add to a home’s resale value, but even if the customer has no intention of selling their home, a kitchen with gleaming soapstone countertops, a granite bathroom vanity or a natural stone bathroom near Mclean VA bring pleasure to the members of the household and fills guests with admiration.

Granite Countertops Mclean VA
Granite is an rock that was formed millions of years ago from the magma of volcanoes which makes our granite countertops Mclean VA and bathroom granite vanities hard and durable. Minerals such as quartz, plagioclase and feldspar and plagioclase give bathroom and kitchen granite their distinctive beauty and many colors. There is certainly a granite that can complement both bath cabinetry and kitchen cabinetry near Mclean VA.
Because granite is porous, kitchen granite countertops Mclean VA need to be sealed every two years so.
Marble Mclean VA
Few things are as gorgeous as a marble bathroom vanity near Mclean VA or marble kitchen countertops with their clouds and veins and the way the stone itself seems to gather in and refract light. Marble is a type of metamorphic rock, which means it was transformed over eons from one rock into another. In marble’s case, the original rock was limestone.
Marble countertops are not only exceptionally beautiful, but are softer than those made of granite. So some of our customers use marble for smaller areas like a marble kitchen island near Mclean VA. They may even use marble as an insert in a granite kitchen island near Mclean VA or kitchen counter near Mclean VA. Marble is cool to the touch, and is excellent for making pastry. This is why customers who love to bake ask for marble inserts in their otherwise granite or soapstone kitchen counters near Mclean VA.
Like granite, marble is porous and should be protected from even mild acids like citrus juices. To this end, it needs to be sealed every two or three years. We are pleased to perform this task for our customers.
Quartz Mclean VA
Quartz is not a rock but a mineral called silicon dioxide. Most rocks have a bit of quartz in them, not surprising since quartz is the most abundant mineral on Earth. When quartz is pure it is clear as glass, but impurities allow it to be a wealth of colors.
When a customer buys a quartz countertop near Mclean VA, it is most often made of engineered stone. This means that the quartz was ground to a powder and mixed with pigments and resins. This has several benefits. The slab is uniform throughout and is nonporous. This means it doesn’t need to be sealed like most natural stone. Quartz countertops resist etching and scratches and can stand to have pots and pans straight from the stovetop or oven placed on top of them.
Engineered stone counters near Mclean VA are sold under the names of Zodiaq, Caesar Stone and Silestone.
Soapstone Mclean VA
Soapstone is a natural stone that gets its name because it feels like a bar of soap to the touch. We at Springfield have found it to be an excellent for a natural stone kitchen island or natural stone countertops. Soapstone is so resistant to acids that it’s used in laboratories and doesn’t need to be sealed.
For more information on our natural and engineered stone products, don’t hesitate to call us at (703) 313-7900 or contact us here!